
Come join us on a culinary journey to explore different recipes and cusines. Over the last few years the italian boy learned how to say 魚香茄子 (heavily accented) and the catonese girl was introduced to the magic of guanciale - we are a couple that love to cook, eat and drink 🍾

As both of us are non-existent on social media, we wanted to start a blog to share our experiences with our family and friends.

The Tech Stack

Other than being a food project, we took the excuse of a blog to tinker with some tech. Here’s what we’re using:

  • Powered by DigitalOcean 🦈
  • Run on managed Kubernetes (DOKS) ☸️🐳🐳🐳
  • IaaC with Terraform 🟪
  • Deployed with Github Actions ▶️
  • Built on Jekyll blog engine 🧪
  • Theme used: Mundana Jekyll Theme